Bat Removal & Control in Cary
Bats are usually considered as a pest by most people - few people actually "like" bats. We especially do not want bats in our house. The most common complaints:- Bats in the attic
- Bats in the chimney
- Odors due to bat droppings
- Swarms of bats around building

How to Remove Bats from a Building in Cary
Inspect the building to find out how the bats are gaining access to the building. Anytime you need to remove wildlife the final step is to animal-proof the building.
Do not try to trap bats!
Just get the bats to fly out, then seal the building so they cannot enter again. This is THE most important part of bat removal - the control part - keeping the bats from gaining entrance again. You just need to make sure that you get ALL the bats out first. This is another reason for getting a professional like Animals Be Gone to do the job.
The females form colonies, often in your attic! Baby bats are usually born in the summer and can fly by the end of August. Bats hibernate in the winter months. When active during the summer, bats are nocturnal, feeding on insects at night. After they eat, they head back to their "home" to rest. After a rest, they fly back into the night to eat some more flying insects, like moths. During their rest times, they poop and urinate, just like all animals. They sleep during the daytime which is why you can have an extreme bat infestation before you realize it.
Bats in the Cary area are most often found in the attic louvered vents which provide easy access, fresh air, and shade them during the heat of the day. You can have dozens of bats living in the louvered vents of your attic. They will chew through the mesh screen to gain access.
The primary health concern involves large colonies of bats. They can be noisy, but the health problems caused by bat droppings and urine can be serious. Bat feces and urine is acidic and corrodes wood and metal. The combined corrosion with the weight of these droppings can actually cause the ceiling below the attic to collapse. Bat feces and urine typically has fungal spores - THIS IS WHY YOU NEED A PROFESSIONAL to deal with bat removal and control - you could breathe in these fungal spores which can lead to a deadly lung disease called Histoplasmosis.
In addition to Histoplasmosis, rabies transmission in the United States can come from bats. If you see a bat lying on the ground, don't pick it up, because it might be rabid and it could bite you.
Bat removal is not easy. You must get rid of these bats and then you must seal off your attic or building to prevent reentry. If you attempt a DIY project you could end up with dead bats stuck in your attic or bats getting INSIDE your house - a bat can squeeze through a very small opening. DO NOT attempt to poison bats - again, dead bats in your attic could be a worse nightmare.
Bat Species in North Carolina
There are three species of bats common in North Carolina: the Big Brown Bat, the Small Brown Bat, and the Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat. There are other species found in NC from time to time, but these three are the most common bats that can get into your attic or house. It is actually illegal to kill some bat species, so you should call a professional for bat exclusion and removal.
Big Brown Bat Removal in Cary NC
This bat is common in North Carolina. The Big Brown Bat mates in the fall, winter or spring. These bats very commonly colonize in human buildings, although they can inhabit large tree hollows or even a cave.
Bat Removal from the Attic in Cary
The big brown bat can be found hanging in your attic, within the slates of your eaves, louvered vents or even burrowing down into the attic insulation.
The main diet of the big brown bat are various insects that tend to be pests to the farmer, thus bats are a predator that our environment needs. The average bat will consume up to 3,000 insects every night! Whoa! Having said that, bats in your attic are not fun. For all the reasons we have already mentioned above, these bats need to be removed.
A large colony of big brown bats can reach up to 500+ individuals. A bat colony this large would often be found in a fairly large building, like a barn or even in a storage facility with partially hidden roofing sections.
Small brown
The danger of the small brown bat is mainly the size of the average colony, which will number in the hundreds. Thus if bats have access to your attic, you could have a BIG problem with small bats.
Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat
The Brazilian free-tailed bat is also known as the Mexican free-tailed bat and is common in in this particular part of North Carolina. It is a small species - the length of this bat is from 5 to 6 inches. This is a very persistent species and difficult to get rid of. Due to the small size, the Brazilian bat is able to penetrate smallest opening. Even after ridding your attic of a small colony, this species will come right back if you fail to seal off the entry point.
This bat mates from February to March. The young will typically be born in June, thus it is critical to make sure your attic or barn has been sealed during February or March - the best way to do bat removal is to keep them out of your attic!
The Brazilian bat hibernates during winter, but if we have a mild winter in our area, this bat can become active a bit earlier. The point is that this bat does not tend to migrate. This bat species will typically fly throughout the night feeding on a variety of small insects. They especially like moths, ants and beetles. These bats can live up to 18 years. The natural predator of the Brazilian bat is the hawk and various owl species. So if you notice owls hanging around your house, look in the attic to make sure you are not housing a colony of these bats!
According to the State Public Health Department, only 4% of all bats in North Carolina have rabies. Compare this to racoons which typically have a 45% positive test for rabies. Thus, bat removal is not for fear of rabies - it is more about some of the other issues that arise from fecal matter and urine in human habitats.
Bat Removal by a Professional in Cary NC
If you have had a bat infestation in your attic, you need to do a thorough clean up once you have successfully excluded them. Bats have a good sense of smell and will be able to smell old feces and urine - a prior habitat - they will be attracted to your attic again. Clean up should be done by a professional as well to make sure it is done correctly. Humans can contract a respiratory infection from fungal spores that originate in bat waste.
Many bat species are protected. You cannot perform bat removal on your own - you need a licensed professional who understands how to deal with protected species. Animals Be Gone will safely remove bats and release them into a safe and natural environment.